Learn more about black ear wax and dark ear wax

Earwax is a substance called cerumen, and it’s normal and healthy for your body to produce it. If you didn’t have earwax, your ears would probably be itchy and dry. Earwax is like a filter for your ears, keeping out harmful things like dirt and dust, and trapping them so they don’t go deep inside. Earwax even has antibacterial properties, which means your ears are self-cleaning. That said, some people do experience an excessive buildup of earwax from time to time and it can change in appearance too. Usually it looks reddish brown but sometimes it looks darker or even black.

What causes dark ear wax?

You are probably asking yourself why is my earwax black if you found this page! Not to worry, if your ear wax is black or dark in color it is a sign that that earwax has been in your ear canal for a long period. Basically, the older your earwax is, the darker it gets. Usually, earwax works its way out of the ear canal naturally and falls out, but if it stays in the ear canal for a long period it can darken and turn black.

Also, hearing aids and in-ear headphones can push earwax back into the ear canal. They can prevent earwax from exiting the canal and eventually it turns dark.

Health issues associated with black earwax

Is your ear wax black? Black, or dark ear wax is not a cause for concern. It just means that your earwax isn’t emptying out as fast as it could be. This can cause some symptoms including hearing loss, but it’s not an emergency. However, you should seek professional help and make an appointment with your doctor if you see bloody earwax, feel dizzy or experience hearing loss. These are signs of a perforated or torn eardrum that needs to be treated to prevent an infection.

How to check if your ear drum is black

It might look like you have a black ear drum if you have an earwax impaction, or clog, in your ear canal. The best way to check is to look with a digital otoscope, which is a tiny digital camera that can display what it sees on a screen or your mobile device. There, you will be able to see if you have wax in your ear canal, where it is and use soft silicone ear spoons to scoop out the wax and clear the blockage.

Black Ear Wax Treatment options

At home treatments

The safest way to treat very dark ear wax is to look in your ear canal with a digital otoscope, which is a tiny digital camera that can display what it sees on a screen or your mobile device. There, you will be able to see if you have wax in your ear canal, where it is and use soft silicone ear spoons to scoop out the wax and clear the blockage.

Doctor supervised treatments

What causes dark ear wax is simply time related and relatively easy to treat. If you visit your doctor, he can prescribe or recommend a few things if you have a history of earwax buildup or black inside ear wax. These treatments help keep the earwax soft so it will travel out of the ear canal naturally. These products include Murine ear Wax Removal and Debrox Earwax Removal. Your doctor can also perform an earwax cleaning if necessary to make sure all the wax is removed safely.

ScopeAround ear inspection cameras

If you have black ear wax, or just want to check inside your ears, you can safely do so at home using an otoscope ear inspection camera from ScopeAround. Shop Now!


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